10 Ways to Repurpose Your Earned Media

Lindsey Rowe Parker
5 min readJan 20, 2022


You just got some killer press for your biz or client. You are riding the high, feeling pretty awesome. Now what? Don’t let it collect dust on your coffee table to be forgotten in the next news cycle. Repurpose that baby!

Think of it as a big hairy gorgeous spider. It’s got legs. Let’s work them out.

Here are 10 Ways to Repurpose Your Earned Media

Press hits, earned media, media hit, placement, whatever you call it — it’s a new sparkling piece of content that needs to be adored. Here’s how:

  1. Add to Your Website: Duh. Don’t stop reading. Many actually forget this super easy piece! Add your media hits to your website. You can create a press room for announcements and news releases, but also include links to the media stories you worked so hard to land! This is also a great resource to have in your back pocket when talking to prospects or partners. #Credibility
  2. Create a Video: Errbody loves video. There are a couple of easy ways to do this. Did you get a broadcast segment that you can add clips of to a montage or sizzle reel? Can you splice it in with existing content you already have? Cut a teaser to use on social media? (If you don’t have a super-easy online video editor try WeVideo.com — I promise video is not out of your reach.) Get those snippets and teasers up on Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, *insert other social platform the cool kids are using here*. Then ALSO Youtube it. Post said video to your youtube channel and include the transcript in the description. PS you should always be taking advantage of the description on youtube! Fill that sucker up with content! There is a default setting in youtube that you can prefill for every video, it makes uploading a breeze.
  3. Transcribe It: You can also work backward and transcribe a podcast or video interview that you can then pull quotes from or use in a blog post. Here’s a super simple quick transcription service.
  4. Social Media: Another Duh. But there are some fun ways to do this. Don’t just drop the link in and run. Use pull quotes and link back to the full article, video, podcast episode. Create infographics or quote graphics to hammer home the main takeaway for those who won’t read but still give them a quick dose of your fabulous newfound credibility. PS tag your friendly journalists and media outlets. It is almost always appreciated. You know your contacts best, but I’ve never had one yell at me for sharing their brilliance.
  5. Shiny New Sales Tool: Have a sales team? Customer service? Put this in their arsenal. “XYZ magazine just said THIS about our company/product/leadership!” “Did you see us on TVlocalnewschannel7?” Instant credibility. There’s that word again.
  6. Thought Leadership Quotes: Use quotes or profiles to position your leadership as experts in their field, because we know they are — everyone else needs to know how amazing they are! Know someone who is a tad loquacious and rambly? (I can be that way, but shhh don’t tell). Problem solved. Distill down the main point, have them approve, and spoon feed that out. A quick headshot overlay with their quote? Bam! Social Media graphic. Another PS — If you don’t have a graphic designer, do yourself a HUGE favor and use canva.com. You can bust a graphic out SO FAST. And there is a free version.
  7. Investor/Board Engagement: Any folks that hold the purse strings? Make the big decisions? Need some extra loving care? Share the newest media placements with your investors, board, big wigs, and have them reshare and comment on the piece from their perspective. Gather these comments for additional repurposing. (Do you see the pattern?)
  8. Email or Newsletter: Shout it from the rooftops. YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME! Share with your email database your successes, as seen in, or announcement. Position it so they get a sneak peek, a tune-in alert, or something special for being a loyal part of your audience. (Do you have an email marketing platform yet? There are a bunch to choose from — don’t just send from your company email…I talk more about this here.)
  9. Social Advertising: Money, money, money… money! (Are you singing it yet?) Turn these soundbites, clips, etc into an awareness advertising campaign to give your brand — you guessed it — credibility. One of the easiest ways to do this is through social media ads. Package up your media hit, target your audience, and let her fly. Check out Big Vibe Energy for easy done-for-you campaigns if that is out of your wheelhouse.
  10. Bite-Sized Education: Include your press piece in case studies, ebooks, infographics, staff trainings. Any education that is provided to someone that touches your company or product should have the opportunity to bask in the glory of your earned media.


Everything, I mean EVERYTHING, can be turned into microcontent. Have you looked at Tiktok recently? I digress. Back to the sexy hairy gorgeous spider (our spider has 10+ legs, OK? I didn’t major in Arachnology.)

That spider body is your content piece (any content piece you have), and those lovely legs are all the ways you can use it. That’s just the start.

Oh and don’t be afraid to reuse well-performing content. But that’s another blog post.

I bet I missed some… what have you got?

“Wait, why should I listen to you?”

Lindsey Rowe Parker: Neurodivergent author, marketing consultant, and creator of youdontneedanagency.co

I have 15 years of experience representing global brands and now run my own agency servicing small biz clients with the same strategies the big guys use to see results at a fraction of the cost. lindseyroweparker.com

I am the creator of You Don’t Need An Agency, an online course that teaches micro-businesses marketing 101 so that they can become better biz owners, avoid costly mistakes, and become more knowledgeable clients in the future!


The Ultimate FREE and Low-Cost Small Business Marketing Resource List will give you the exact tools and resources professional marketers use to build brands and help small businesses achieve their marketing and PR goals, without spending a ton on agencies.

Getting results doesn’t come from getting lucky, it comes from using your available resources wisely and taking smart action.



Lindsey Rowe Parker
Lindsey Rowe Parker

Written by Lindsey Rowe Parker

Creator of youdontneedanagency.co 15 years experience representing top-tier global brands in marketing communications. lindseyroweparker.com

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